Our Church Connections
Here are some other places, with which we have some connections as a church, where God is being glorified.
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed—AWANA is a youth ministry that focuses on sharing the Gospel, Scripture memory, and solid Biblical teaching to help children to know and love Christ. E-Free Firth hosts AWANA clubs during the school year .
The Master’s Fellowship, Nebraska (TMFNE)
A fellowship of like-minded, Bible-teaching pastors in the Midwest., holding an annual conference on theology.
The Master’s Seminary (TMS)
The school where our Pastor, Timothy Schmidt, received his degree in divinity. TMS is connected to the ministry of Grace Community Church, pastored by John MacArthur, whose website is also recommended below.
Grace to You
The online ministry of Dr. John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church and president of the Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, California. It is an excellent ministry resource for Biblically sound radio, articles, downloads and books.
Living Life Reformed Church
We are blessed to have two Gospel preaching churches in our village.
Country Bible Church
A nearby, like-minded church.
Ratio Christi, UNL
An apologetics ministry on the University campus in Lincoln, led by Adam Johnson.